Flowerbulbfields Zijpe 07 April - 07 May

Groteweg 9, 1756 CK 't Zand

Did you know that the biggest, uninterrupted flowerbulbarea in the world is in the Head of North-Holland? Where do you find a beautiful view, coloured with flowerbulbfields and with the dunes as a horizon?

The foundation of Flowering Zijpe uses the help of more than 200 volunteers to put Zijpe ont the map as the most lovely flowerbulb area of the Netherlands. We want to introduce everybody to this on a approachable, pure way. Once a year the flower growers open up their lands to the curious civilians and tell about their passion with pride.

The foundation of Flowering Zijpe distincts itself by organizing activities in the very middle of the happy and colourful flowerbulbfields.

Meer info over Flowerbulbfields Zijpe 07 April - 07 May

Calculate directions from Aan Noordzee to Flowerbulbfields Zijpe 07 April - 07 May

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